AHRA Pacific Northwest Group

Welcome to the AHRA Pacific Northwest Group home page! Here you will find information for local area state meetings and resources. The AHRA Pacific Northwest Group network of local imaging administrators began with a handful of directors in Washington state that wanted to experience the value of sharing ideas with others in the industry.  What started as a small email distribution list grew into a large group of individuals located throughout the region.

This group is the first of its kind supporting AHRA. We recognize the value of AHRA membership. AHRA helps its members resolve workplace issues, improve organizational performance, and become better leaders by providing necessary tools. With AHRA programs and services, you will have the most up to date and useful resources available to succeed in your career. Our goal is to increase AHRA membership in the Pacific Northwest area.

This group has been putting together regional and local meetings since the fall of 2009. In that time period, the NWR has hosted more than 15 meetings with an attendance of 52-98 participants. We have learned a lot in the process. Our goal is to make this a truly enjoyable process that supports the goals and mission of the AHRA and provides learning, CE credit, and networking opportunities for our local imaging administrators. This document may serve as a guide for coordinating the NWR meetings.

Click here to view photos from the May 2016 meeting.


    Our radiology environment continues to be transformed with advances in technology, the healthcare climate, and the economy. It is difficult to always remain current and up to date with standards and trends. AHRA provides access to many tools to help manage our evolving world, learn new concepts, and earn educational units at the same time. AHRA provides an avenue to collaborate with colleagues to support working smarter, not harder. Through this group, we can cross borders, be innovative together, and build non competitive partnerships. — Art Tasaka, Mill Creek, WA
    When you get serious about your career and the direction you are going, AHRA is the single best resource for achieving your goals. AHRA membership provides a buffet of opportunities. I’ve been an AHRA member since 2003 when I took my CRA exam. Since then I haven’t missed an annual meeting! The annual meetings provide an excellent opportunity to network and get my CE credits all at one time. I have enjoyed the opportunity to share information at the annual meeting: as a speaker in 2008, participating in the poster contest in 2009, and performing volunteer work in 2010. This year I am in the process of writing an article for submission. The opportunities are vast. — Brenda Rinehart, Auburn, WA
  I find the AHRA to be an amazing resource and catalyst for the development of professional leadership in medical imaging management. It is dedicated to its member’s needs and is a driving force toward improving the healthcare environment. The AHRA sets the standard for imaging leaders in providing quality care, innovative use of technologies, and best practices in medical imaging management. It helps foster communication and networking among its members and the greater healthcare community. As a new leader I have found the AHRA to be a valuable tool and resource, one which has made my transition into a leadership role much easier. I would encourage anyone in imaging to join the AHRA. — Toni Gardner, Newberg, OR

  As an AHRA member, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many other imaging leaders in my region, state, and across the country.  As soon as I learned about the CRA exam, I sat for it and was thrilled to pass (of course I used the resources available through the AHRA to study)!  The CRA opened doors for me in leadership.  Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are very fortunate to have many leaders willing to support the AHRA and the members.  It is energizing and very rewarding work. — Maurya Radvilas, Bellevue, WA

  I enjoy being a member and participant of the AHRA. Having been member in the last century and now, I find it one of the best resource(s) for Imaging management in the world. Whether you are looking for a good article in the Radiology Management magazine to improve your relationship with your staff or posing a question on the AHRA Forum, it is all available through the AHRA. The AHRA website is so easy to use and has so much to offer. Besides all the resources available to every member, usually free or at a minimal cost (thanks to great vendor support), I really look forward to attending my local meetings. This year I got more involved with Pacific Northwest Group by joining the core team. I serve with some of the most experienced, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and fun loving people in the business. — JJ Simon III, Aberdeen, WA
  As a manager of an OP imaging center as well as an inpatient department, the AHRA has helped me learn more about the multitude of modalities within our field. Through local and annual meetings I have expanded my knowledge of imaging modalities and have had the opportunity to meet and work with other leaders in this field and draw upon their expertise and knowledge. The AHRA has truly “sped up” my learning curve. I have had the pleasure of participating in organizing meetings which has given me exposure to imaging professionals and vendors throughout our region. I’ve learned the benefits of the CRA exam and collaborating with other facilities. The opportunities are vast and I’m enjoying learning as I go; ever-improving my leadership and managerial skills. — Kaylee Bunge, Seattle, WA


www.Radiologyinfo.org is a collaborative effort between the ACR and RSNA. The site is written to the average lay person, so it is easy to understand. The videos and information provided on various imaging exams can be used in virtually in any setting. If you are creating patient flyers, brochures, or posters on new or existing services, this information will be a tremendous time saver. 


We recognize the value of AHRA membership. AHRA helps its members resolve workplace issues, improve organizational performance, and become better leaders by providing necessary tools. With AHRA programs and services, you will have the most up to date and useful resources available to succeed in your career. Our goal is to increase AHRA membership in the state of Washington. Stay tuned for our upcoming membership drive this spring! For membership information, please click here.