CRA test results are returned directly to you by MEAZURE LEARNING. You will receive your score report immediately following your exam unless you are notified in your exam registration paperwork that your exam window is being evaluated as part of the test development statistical review process, in which case you will receive your results approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the end of the CRA examination window.
Note: CRA certificates and information will be sent to new CRAs approximately 4 weeks after the end of the testing window, however the results displayed at the end of the computer-based exams are official.
Tests are scored on a pass/fail basis. All individuals taking the test will receive a diagnostic score report that shows how they fared in each domain area.
About Meazure Learning
Meazure Learning is an exam maintenance, development, and delivery company that provides oversight and services for the CRA Exam, including exam scheduling and proctored test administration at Meazure Learning’s network of test centers. Meazure Learning’s consultation and leadership helps ensure that the CRA remains a highly reliable, content-valid credentialing program. For more information, please visit Meazure Learning’s website at